Aquadine community tank formula
Aquadine community tank formula

Whether or not you decide to actually feature Cameron as a character in any future games, I would ask that you not shy away from featuring a character relatively like her just because you think they might not be very popular.ģ: I was also very sad to hear about the returns you have been getting from the game financially, and that that might prevent you from making any more games regardless of your desire to do so. She and I have the exact same basic personality, and I related to her more than any other character in the game, minus the martial arts. I want to reiterate (as I mentioned it in my review) that by far my favorite character in Aquadine was Cameron. I'll get to that in a minute.Ģ: I can see why Diana would be a very popular character for the typical VN audience, but although her route in the game turned out to be very good, she was still my least favorite of the five main characters in the end. That is if you are able to make another game. You created a very deep world with this game, and although you pretty thoroughly explored the merfolk lore, there is still so much backstory for many of the side characters and also so many possible future scenarios for the main characters that I feel it deserves another installment. And if it is him, does Robin ever figure it out?ġ: I was very sad to hear that you might not have a lot of interest in making a sequel to Aquadine. Chief among them being this: was the Gatekeeper at Lazuel really supposed to be Griffin? I feel like there were at least 3 hints toward that dropped over the course of the game, but it was never outright explained.

aquadine community tank formula aquadine community tank formula

I can see why you decided to end the story where you did, but it left me with a lot of unanswered questions. Speaking of which, I hope your next game is something else set within the same universe as Aquadine. In any case, I very much look forward to your next release. Most VNs on Steam have them, and I would have loved to have them for Aquadine. And since you're so good at the artwork side of things, I think it would help your future games sell better if you create Steam Trading Cards, badges, etc. Please continue to have English voice acting in your future games, whether you add Japanese voices or not. I never knew there was a maximum allowed length for reviews on Steam before. I didn't want to put this part in there, and it was a good thing, because I already had to edit the review for length anyway.

aquadine community tank formula

This message is to go along with my review that I posted today.

Aquadine community tank formula